It all started with a personal project and hobby of mine. I’ve always had a love for travel, and I’ve found there’s nothing quite like discovering new places to sit down and get some work done. Whether it’s for a job or something more creative, I enjoy combining my passion for travel tech with the thrill of setting up shop just about anywhere and diving into the work at hand. As someone who loves creating content and writing, this lifestyle fits me perfectly.

This blog series, Third Place Nomads, is the evolution of what began as Long Coffee Trips during the pandemic. Back then, I had no idea how meaningful it was for me to work in different environments and how it connected to the way my noodle noodles. The idea originally started as a way to simply document the places I’ve been so I could remember them later. But, of course, it exploded into something much bigger.

I’ve always had a thing for personal branding, so I figured why not combine everything I love—travel, tech, content creation—and turn it into a blog series? So here I am, officially launching Third Place Nomads. I even snagged the domain to make it official.

Most of the time, it’s just me leaving my home office for a change of scenery, but it’s not uncommon for it to turn into a day trip or even extend to a night or two. The idea of the third place is all about finding that neutral ground between home and work, a space where you can feel productive and connected. And for me, this lifestyle of exploring new spots—whether for a few hours or a few days—captures that perfectly. Each location offers a fresh perspective, a chance to recharge creatively, and a way to keep things interesting—both in work and life. This flexible way of working breaks the monotony, keeps me inspired, and makes working from home feel more dynamic and exciting than ever before.

In the next post, I’ll be diving into one of my favorite spots and sharing the gear that makes it all possible—from the tech that keeps me connected to the unexpected places that have become my go-to creative hubs. You never know what or where will spark the next great idea. Stay tuned—you might just find your own perfect third place.

Oh, and I’m still working on the logo and figuring out the social media that will go with this journey. I’m thinking about exploring TikTok as part of this adventure, so keep an eye out for that, too. There’s a lot more to come as Third Place Nomads takes shape, and I’m excited to share it with you all.