Location: Cary, NC
Date: Sunday, August 18th

I rolled out of bed knowing today was going to be one of those productive, nomadic office kind of days. You know, the type where you bounce around from park to library like a wandering productivity monk. Cary Regional Library wasn’t opening until 1 PM, so I had time to kill and decided to check out the Fred G. Bond Metro Park. Let me tell you, this park is the real deal. 310 acres of trails, lake views, and more jogging opportunities than my legs knew what to do with.

The morning heat didn’t stop me from pushing out a solid 3+ mile run. My lungs were screaming by mile two, but I could feel the inspiration kicking in. This park—it’s not just a place to run; it's a creative reset button. They have boating, plenty of paths for walking or running, and nature at every turn. If you ever need a place to sweat and think, this is the spot.

Afterward, I hit up the Cary NC Planet Fitness for a quick cleanup. Nothing like a cold shower to cool you down after your brain’s been cooking up ideas all morning. With about an hour to spare, I chilled with a Podcast—Packet Pushers, History of Networking: How Bridging Saved Ethernet—and shared it with the LinkedIn masses because, hey, tech evangelism doesn’t sleep.

Web Series Epiphany:
A funny thing happens when you let your mind wander mid-podcast: you get ideas. This one came fast and hot. I was going to buy the domain ThirdPlaceNomads.com and start a whole series on my nomadic work life. Done. Boom. Another URL to add to my collection. Ideas, man. They strike when you least expect it.

The Library Grind

I showed up at Cary Regional Library, 315 Kildaire Farm Rd, a solid community hub with free Wi-Fi and a dedicated quiet space to set up camp. The place doesn’t have the frenetic coffee shop energy, which was good. I didn’t need that today. What I needed was quiet productivity and a steady water bottle refill station (gotta stay hydrated, folks).

Six desks sat in the quiet room, each with its own outlet like little productivity islands. I snagged a desk, popped open my Surface Pro 8, and started hammering away on ThinkDougherty—an extension of my portfolio site aimed squarely at freelance work. The mission? Clean up the site, tighten up the blog structure, and build out a content framework for Third Place Nomads. I spent three solid hours laying the groundwork, refining the content template. Blogging isn’t just writing—it’s strategy, baby.

If you're ever near Cary Regional Library, bring your laptop and an open mind. The space is conducive to deep work—headphones on, distractions off.

Gear & Gadgets

Today’s kit was minimalist. Just my trusty Surface Pro 8, a Samsung Galaxy Fold nestled in a cradle, and an old-school notepad for the ideas that required ink, not pixels. No external monitor, no extra gadgets—just barebones tools for serious work. Sometimes, less really is more.

Afternoon Refuel at the Park

After the library grind, I headed downstairs and back out to the Downtown Cary Park for a second round of exercise. Basically, getting a few more steps in and stretching my legs.  Fred G. Bond Metro Park was still alive with activity, from people jogging to families boating on the lake. Turns out, this place is a $1 million gem in the middle of Cary—a massive park with everything from fishing spots to boat rentals. Even though it was hot, the energy was contagious. People gearing up for the evening jazz concert filled the air with a sense of anticipation. Outdoor bar? Check. Full crowd? Check. Just another day in Cary.

Food & Drink

No standout culinary adventures today. I stuck to the basics—protein bars and bottled water. Cary’s got some good eats, but when you’re in the zone, it’s all about keeping it simple. If you’re planning to work at Cary Regional Library or hit up Fred G. Bond Park, I’d recommend grabbing something light and easy. There are plenty of cafes and food spots around, so you're never far from a good bite.

Remote Work Tips

Pro tip: When using public Wi-Fi, a VPN is your best friend. Don’t go around flashing your data like you’re on an unsecured network in 1995. I recommend NordVPN (shameless affiliate plug, thank you very much). If you’re working in public spaces, keep your stuff in sight at all times. Cary's library is safe, but hey, better safe than sorry.

Another tip? Move. Stretch. Don’t let your body turn into a productivity pretzel. A quick walk around the library or a loop through the park does wonders for the mind.

Local Highlights

Cary’s got a lot more than I expected:

  1. Fred G. Bond Metro Park: It’s a sprawling 310 acres of nature, a perfect spot for running, kayaking, or just clearing your head.
  2. Cary Arts Center: Offering a variety of artistic programming, from theater to visual arts. It’s only a few minutes from the library—worth a visit if you’re feeling artsy after a long day of work.
  3. Koka Booth Amphitheatre: This place hosts concerts, festivals, and more. It's a scenic spot in the woods, just a short drive from the library. Cary knows how to blend nature and culture.

Final Thoughts

All in all, it was a killer day. I set up a blog template that’s going to shape this Third Place Nomads series for the long haul, locked down a new domain, and squeezed in some solid work at the library. This remote office lifestyle? It’s not just working—it’s an adventure. I’m still finding the right rhythm, but today was a damn good step in the right direction.

Until next time—keep it moving, keep it nomadic.